- The "Rendezvous" boats at Joe Wheeler State Park
- Edwin and Gloria on Irish Ayes
- Edwin's 32 Plymouth
We arrived at Joe Wheeler State Park for the America's Great Loop Cruisers Rendezvous on Friday, October 13th. Yes, that's Friday the 13th, but thankfully we didn't have any of that superstitious stuff happen to us. It was a beautiful trip down the river, with perfect weather and scenery. When we pulled into our slip we were told there would be a happy hour at 4:30. You've got to love this boating stuff!!
After the happy hour we went to dinner with some folks who had a car, and had a great, if greasy, seafood dinner at a very popular eating place in Rogersville, AL. It wasn't much to look at, but the food was good, and I think everyone who lives in that county was there for dinner.
The next night, Satruday, was a pot luck dinner that was excellent. Everyone contributes their favorite (or in the case of boaters whatever they have aboard) meal. Calories and cholesterol don't count at potlucks, as everyone knows, so no guilt was had by all.
Sunday, friends from Anniston Alabama, Edwin and Gloria, came for a visit. Edwin is a high school friend of Pat's who has become my friend too, as has Gloria. We spent the day with them, riding to town in Edwin's 1932 Plymouth that he restored himself. Edwin is a gifted artist when it comes to car restoration, and it was a pleasure to ride in his work of art. the picture above is Edwin's car.
Monday, starts the Rendezvous, so I'll tell you more about that later.
Loved your card & it got my curiosity up so ventured to your website & enjoyed the adventures of Pat & Mike! You are indeed living the life! Full of adventure, romance, discovery and too much fun. Keep living the dream--I couldn't be happier for you. Love from Alaska--Donna
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