We arrived at Boca Chica Marina on the afternoon of 23 Dec. The trip along the ICW was uneventful but long. After our last three days/nights at Marathon, we were glad to know that we would be tied to a dock for the next month. Boca Chica Marina is located on a small US Naval Air Station which is about five miles from downtown Key West. While not the most luxurious marina we have visited, they are still recovering from the effects of a devastation hurricane two years ago. The staff is friendly as are the other boaters, and the price is right at 85 cents a foot per day, versus the $4.00 a foot per day at the marina just across the inlet.

Once docked, we got our bikes off the boat and began looking for a place to eat. We were told that the restaurant at the marina had closed early due to the Christmas holidays, so off we went to the bowling alley located on the Naval Air Station for something to eat. We had not eaten anything substantial during the trip from Marathon to KW, so we were starving by the time we got to Boca Chica. On our way to the bowling alley, we were stopped by the base security police who informed us that we were required to wear bicycle helmets while riding bikes. Mike told him that we had just arrived and were not aware of this policy but that we would wear helmets in the future. He let us continue on to the bowling alley thank goodness—we were so hungry. There was not much of a menu at the bowling alley, but those greasy cheeseburgers sure were good!

On the afternoon of 24 Dec, Richard and Marcy Piety, friends from Knoxville, arrived. We went into Key West for dinner and then walked around town for a while where we saw a lot of interesting folks. Christmas Day we attended church services downtown and then had brunch. Most all stores were open on Christmas Day, so we covered most all of town and had an enjoyable Christmas Day in the Keys – in shorts and T-shirts. Mallory Square is famous for its “street theater” and there were a number of actors, jesters, group and solo bands, magicians and other extroverts on display. It was very interesting and we enjoyed the shows.

The next day, Marcy and Pat enjoyed touring the Hemingway House and The Truman House while Richard and Mike checked out a local bar (imagine that!!). To break up the routine, the next day we drove to Marathon and had an early dinner at a nice restaurant overlooking the water. I should also mention that the rumor that chickens run all over the place, to include inside most restaurants, is true. There are many, and they are fearless. Marcy and Richard left us on 29 December, and we hated to see them go. We wish they could have stayed to bring in the New Year.

The weather here has been great. While we read about the cold weather you have been having, it has been beautiful weather here. Temps range from the low 80's during the day to the low 70's at night. The water is so clear that you can actually see fish swimming around. The sunsets are spectacular. We can sit on our boat and watch the sun set every night in the west, and it's amazing how that daily event makes so many people stop and look, and then grab their camera for a picture. We like it here and may want to come back. Stay tuned for KEY WEST, Part 2.
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