After almost a week of strong winds and high seas, we were finally able to leave the marina in New Bern on Thursday, 10 May. It was a foggy morning, but the fog soon burned off, and it was a great day to be cruising.

We picked a good day to travel down the Neuse River. The Neuse is the widest river in the United States and can be pretty nasty when the winds and seas are not cooperating (so we were told and have read in the guide books. We also crossed the Pungo River (also in NC) on Thursday, and it was as smooth as glass. We traveled with Jim and Mary on ALTAIR until about 5:00 p.m. at which point they turned off and headed to Dowry Creek Marina.
We continued on for about another five miles and found an anchorage on the Pungo River. It was a nice, protected area, and several boats (a couple of them “Loopers”) were already there when we arrived. We arrived just in time for cocktails that were being provided by Dan and Kay on their boat ARIEL. Dan was going to all the boats in the anchorage as we were arriving, inviting everyone to cocktails. He was also acting as the “water taxi” for those who wanted to join them. We accepted the invitation and enjoyed meeting everyone from the other boats in the anchorage. This is part of what makes cruising so much fun.
We had a great night at anchor. The weather was perfect, the sky was full of stars, and it was quiet, with only the sounds of nature around us.

Friday morning (11 May) was VERY foggy, so we delayed leaving the anchorage until about 8:45. We eased our way out of the anchorage using our radar, chart plotter and our eyeballs, because it was still foggy in places, headed to the Alligator River - Pungo River Canal. As you enter the canal, it is rather narrow with trees and stumps sticking out of the water on either side. Drifting out of the channel through this area could be hazardous to your boat!

Early afternoon we got a radio call from Dan on MISS PRISS. He was right behind us on his boat headed to Annapolis for the summer! Dan keeps his boat at Patrick AFB during the winter and Annapolis for the summer. We met Dan in March in Lake Worth, FL, when he was traveling with the Provosts. All of us planned to make the crossing to the Bahamas, but as it turns out, we did not get to do that due to bad weather. Maybe it will work out that we can try again next year.
We made it a short day for traveling and anchored around 2:00 p.m. in Alligator River. Several other boats joined us during the day and early evening for another good night at anchor.
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