More on Georgian Bay - Port Rawson Bay to Parry Sound
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We left Port Rawson Bay anchorage on Sunday, 29 June. There was a good bit of work to be done to prepare for leaving anchorage.
Bob needed some help retrieving stern anchors, so Mike volunteered, along with Mike on Xplorer, to help Bob get all anchors up. This job is not always easy and takes some time to accomplish the job, but Bob has done this so many times, he has a method that works.

The scenery here in Georgian Bay is stunning in its beauty. If you have never visited here you should consider it. There are “Cottages” as the Canadians call them, all over the place, many on their own separate island, and can be rented. Pat and I are considering renting one summer. We certainly cannot tell you what the area looks like inland, but the view from the water is beautiful.

It is a good thing that we have knowledgeable Canadians leading us on this “Flotilla.” We have taken routes over the past few days that we would never have attempted on our own.

We had dinner at a local Pub, and breakfast yesterday at a bakery, with Mike and Cathy of XPLORER, one of Mike’s favorite places to eat. Where there are pastries, you will find Mikey. He is blessed that he can eat all these delicious, but bad for you foods, and maintain his weight and continue to have great cholesterol levels. Is Pat envious—you bet!!

Today (31 July), we will leave Parry Sound and travel about 12 miles to a marina at Killbear Island. Stay tuned…
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