Britt, Ontario to Killarney

Killarney is a small town with a population of 430. It is located on the north shore of Georgian Bay, on the northeast end of Manitoulin Island. Killarney was once a busy commercial fishing village but now relies mostly on tourism. It is also a popular boating destination and a great place to provision before heading to the North Channel.
We made it to Sportsman’s Inn late afternoon and the wind and current were horrible. Everyone seemed to have trouble, some more than others, getting into their assigned slips. We made several attempts to squeeze in next to a 45 foot Cruiser and finally got in after a half dozen tries. The wind and the current were pushing us in the same direction, and getting into the slip was perpendicular to the current and wind. The owners of the Cruiser were nervous as were we, trying to get in the slip without hitting the Cruiser or the dock. In the seven years that we have owned this boat, this was the most challenging docking experience we have had. Our objective was to get IRISH AYES into our assigned slip without hitting the dock, or the new yacht next to us, and we accomplished both. It was not pretty, but we made it. All of us in the Flotilla had trouble docking, and the owners of the small boats in other docks enjoyed the entertainment provided by all of us “Loopers,” as we struggled getting into our slips.
Once we settled down from our docking experience, we took the water taxi, Tinkerbell,

Our next stop on 3 August is Little Current. Stay tuned...
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